Test Format & Components -
the Psychometric Entrance Test

Test Sections

The Psychometric Entrance Test (paper-and-pencil version) consists of nine sections, each of which belongs to one of the following domains: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning or English.

The first section of the test is part of the Verbal Reasoning domain and consists of a writing task. Examinees taking the test in Hebrew have 30 minutes to complete this section (examinees taking the test in other languages have 35 minutes). The remaining eight sections are made up of multiple-choice questions for which the response that best answers the question must be chosen from among four alternatives. These sections do not appear in any particular order, and examinees have 20 minutes in which to complete them; the number of questions in the section and the time allotted may differ in other versions of the test (paper-and-pencil or computer-based, in Hebrew or in other languages, standard test or test with accommodations). From time to time, changes may be made to the test format, the number of questions and the time allotted. Such changes will be published on the NITE website before the first test administration date.

Every NITE test may contain chapters or items that were used in previous tests or that appeared on the NITE website.

The multiple-choice sections in each domain consist of several types of questions. All questions of a given type appear together and are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, except for Reading Comprehension questions (in the Verbal Reasoning and English domains), which are arranged according to the order in which the subject matter appears in the text.

NOTE: Please note that new types of questions may appear in any of the domains, together with changes in instructions for solving them, in the number of questions in a section, and in the time allotted.

Test Sections that Are Not Scored

Of the eight multiple-choice sections, only two in each domain (a total of six) are used for calculating your score. The multiple-choice sections that are not used for calculating your score serve two purposes:


To prevent differences between tests:

To prevent scores being affected by the makeup of the examinee groups in different test administrations the scores are equated and standardized on the same scale. For this purpose, every test contains a chapter that has appeared in a previous test.


To ensure the quality of the questions:

Before a question appears in a section that is used for scoring purposes, NITE performs quality control to ensure that it is fair and that it discriminates between examinees of higher ability and those of lower ability. Certain sections consist of questions that have reached this stage of quality control. Questions that meet statistical and other criteria may appear in the future in sections used for scoring purposes, while questions that do not meet these criteria are disqualified. All of the sections used to calculate scores are made up of questions that have already been subjected to these quality controls. The sections that are not used for calculating scores are essential. They prevent distortion of scores that might be caused by differences between tests administered on different dates, and they ensure that the questions on the test are sound and fair. There is no way for examinees to distinguish between the sections used for scoring and the other sections. Therefore, for your own good, treat every section of the test with equal seriousness!


Click here for information on the domains that make up the PET.

Verbal Reasoning

Quantitative Reasoning
