Other Tests
In addition to the Psychometric Entrance Test, NITE develops and administers other proficiency and screening tests in various fields, as well as tools for assessing the special abilities required in specific professions or fields of study.
English Level Placement Test
English Level Placement Test
Hebrew Proficiency Tests
Hebrew Proficiency Tests
Medical School Admission Tests
Medical School Admission Tests
Assessment Centers for Six-Year and Four-Year Medical School Programs
Arrays that characterize candidates for six-year medical school programs, using personal variables that are not evaluated by matriculation exams or the Psychometric Entrance Test (PET)
Read more>MERAV
Array for selecting university graduates who apply to four-year medical school programs
Read more>SHAUL
Personality Questionnaire for Screening: a personality questionnaire that is designed to help organizations screen candidates for designated positions
Entrance Test for Advanced Degrees in Psychology
Entrance Test for Advanced Degrees in Psychology
MITAM - a standardized national test used in admissions to advanced psychology degree programs
Tests for Colleges
Tests for Colleges