Registration Procedures - the Psychometric Entrance Test

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This document explains how to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test. Please read it carefully. When registering, you will be asked to confirm that you have read the procedures, including the Privacy Policy.

General Information

Anyone with an Israeli identity document or valid passport can register to take the Psychometric Entrance Test. It is essential that you bring with you to the test the document you used when registering. You will not be permitted to take the test without showing your identity card, driver’s license, or valid passport. You must bring the original document. Photographs or printed copies will not be accepted.

There is no limit to the number of times an examinee can take the test, even on consecutive test administrations.

Registering for the Psychometric Entrance Test of the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) and applying to an educational institution are two separate procedures. Applying to an educational institution does not constitute registration for the Psychometric Entrance Test, and vice versa.

It is not necessary to apply to an educational institution in order to take the test. You need take the test only once, even if you are applying to multiple educational institutions.  Your scores will be reported to the institutions of your choice (see below for more details).

NITE reserves the right to pursue any course of action it deems appropriate in cases where it suspects that an examinee has registered for the test for a purpose other than that for which the test was designed and/or because of external motivations.

It is forbidden to register for the test in order to infringe on NITE’s proprietary rights. This includes copying, disclosing, or conveying test items, whether to provide instruction and preparation for the test or for any other purpose.

Test Score Validity Period

The educational institutions have determined that Psychometric Entrance Test scores are valid for admissions purposes for at least seven (7) years. There is therefore no need to put off taking the test until immediately before applying to an institution. For more details, refer to the publications and websites of the institutions.

In most cases, the institutions will use an examinee’s highest score, but NITE recommends that you confirm this with each particular institution.

Registering for the Psychometric Entrance Test

There are two modes of registration: via the NITE website or by means of the registration form.

Registration for the test is contingent on payment of the test fees indicated on the NITE website at the time of registration. Registration must be completed in accordance with the instructions before the registration deadline that appears on the NITE website.

Information with regard to changing a test date, cancelling registration, late registration and same-day registration appear below.

NOTE: online registration is not available for those paying by means of the deposit from the Defense Ministry’s Guidance Unit for Discharged Soldiers.

Online Registration

It is important to provide accurate personal details during registration, including your email address.

On the form, you are asked to fill in your 9-digit Israeli ID number. If you do not have an Israeli ID but have an Israeli passport or Immigrant card, copy the ID number from that document.

If you do not have any of these means of identification, you may type in your foreign passport number. Use the last 8 digits of your passport number. If your passport number has fewer than 8 digits, fill in the spaces on the left with zeroes.

NOTE: Make sure to use the same identity or passport number to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test and for the desired educational institution.

For your information: Registration that is not entered into the system by the final registration deadline (for whatever reason) will not be accepted. We therefore recommend registering in advance and not waiting for the last minute. A confirmation is issued when your registration process is complete.

Registration Using the Form

Completing the Form

  • It is important to accurately fill in all parts of the registration form, including your email address.
    You can type in your details (preferably by opening the form with Firefox) or print out the form and fill it in by hand. You must fill in all the fields on the form, read the information and indicate that you agree with it, and sign the form.
  • Copy your identity number from your ID Card (Teudat Zehut) onto the form. Enter the control digit into the box provided for this purpose. If your identity number is less than 8 digits long, fill in the blank spaces on the left with zeroes.
  • If you do not have an Israeli identity document but do have an Israeli passport, do not copy your passport number, but rather the identity number that appears in the passport. If you have neither a Teudat Zehut nor an Israeli passport, copy your foreign passport number with the last digit in the rightmost box (leave the space for the control digit blank). A form submitted without an identity number or foreign passport number will not be processed.
  • NOTE: Make sure to use the same ID or foreign passport number you to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test when you apply to the desired educational institution.

Payment of Test Fee

The test fee may be paid at any branch of a bank recognized in Israel or via an online bank transfer (done through your bank’s website or app).

Paying at a bank branch:

  • After you have completed and printed the registration form, pay the fee at any bank, using the payment voucher attached to the form. Examinees paying from their military deposit funds must pay the fee at the Postal Bank. The institute’s emblem appears on the registration form.
  • Ask the bank cashier for the authorization of payment page.
  • You should detach the examinee receipt from the voucher and keep it.
  • Make sure that the registration form is stamped in all three designated places. If your form arrives at NITE without a bank stamp it will not be processed until payment is verified.

Paying via online bank transfer:

  • You must make a transfer in the amount that appears on the registration form, using bank details for the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation that are also printed there.
  • In the description line on the transfer form, type in your full name and ID number.
  • Save a copy of the transfer authorization page and attach it to your registration form. A registration form that arrives without a transfer authorization page will not be processed!

Mailing the Form

  • The completed and signed registration form, along with payment information, should be sent by registered mail or email according to the instructions printed on the form. Keep in mind that payment of the test fee does not constitute registration for the test (the bank does not forward your personal data to NITE). Your registration is processed only after the form is received at NITE and after NITE receives final confirmation of the bank transfer (which takes about 3 business days).
  • NOTE: Your registration form must reach NITE by the registration deadline for the test administration date for which you are registering.
    If the form arrives after the deadline, your registration will be changed to the next test administration.