Registration Procedures
This document explains how to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test. Please read it carefully. When registering, you will be asked to confirm that you have read the procedures, including the Privacy Policy.
General Information
Anyone with an Israeli identity document or valid passport can register to take the Psychometric Entrance Test. It is essential that you bring with you to the test the document you used when registering. You will not be permitted to take the test without showing your identity card, driver’s license, or valid passport. You must bring the original document. Photographs or printed copies will not be accepted.
There is no limit to the number of times an examinee can take the test, even on consecutive test administrations.
Registering for the Psychometric Entrance Test of the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE) and applying to an educational institution are two separate procedures. Applying to an educational institution does not constitute registration for the Psychometric Entrance Test, and vice versa.
It is not necessary to apply to an educational institution in order to take the test. You need take the test only once, even if you are applying to multiple educational institutions. Your scores will be reported to the institutions of your choice (see below for more details).
NITE reserves the right to pursue any course of action it deems appropriate in cases where it suspects that an examinee has registered for the test for a purpose other than that for which the test was designed and/or because of external motivations.
It is forbidden to register for the test in order to infringe on NITE's proprietary rights. This includes copying, disclosing, or conveying test items, whether to provide instruction and preparation for the test or for any other purpose.
Test Score Validity Period
The educational institutions have determined that Psychometric Entrance Test scores are valid for admissions purposes for at least seven (7) years. There is therefore no need to put off taking the test until immediately before applying to an institution. For more details, refer to the publications and websites of the institutions.
In most cases, the institutions will use an examinee’s highest score, but NITE recommends that you confirm this with each particular institution.
Registering for the Psychometric Entrance Test
There are two modes of registration: via the NITE website or by means of the registration form.
Registration for the test is contingent on payment of the test fees indicated on the NITE website at the time of registration. Registration must be completed in accordance with the instructions before the registration deadline that appears on the NITE website.
Information with regard to changing a test date, cancelling registration, late registration and same-day registration appear below.
NOTE: online registration is not available for those paying by means of the deposit from the Defense Ministry’s Guidance Unit for Discharged Soldiers.

Online Registration
It is important to provide accurate personal details during registration, including your email address.
On the form, you are asked to fill in your 9-digit Israeli ID number. If you do not have an Israeli ID but have an Israeli passport or Immigrant card, copy the ID number from that document.
If you do not have any of these means of identification, you may type in your foreign passport number. Use the last 8 digits of your passport number. If your passport number has fewer than 8 digits, fill in the spaces on the left with zeroes.
NOTE: Make sure to use the same identity or passport number to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test and for the desired educational institution.
For your information: Registration that is not entered into the system by the final registration deadline (for whatever reason) will not be accepted. We therefore recommend registering in advance and not waiting for the last minute. A confirmation is issued when your registration process is complete.
Registration Using the Form
Completing the Form
- It is important to accurately fill in all parts of the registration form, including your email address.
You can type in your details (preferably by opening the form with Firefox) or print out the form and fill it in by hand. You must fill in all the fields on the form, read the information and indicate that you agree with it, and sign the form.
- Copy your identity number from your ID Card (Teudat Zehut) onto the form. Enter the control digit into the box provided for this purpose. If your identity number is less than 8 digits long, fill in the blank spaces on the left with zeroes.
- If you do not have an Israeli identity document but do have an Israeli passport, do not copy your passport number, but rather the identity number that appears in the passport. If you have neither a Teudat Zehut nor an Israeli passport, copy your foreign passport number with the last digit in the rightmost box (leave the space for the control digit blank). A form submitted without an identity number or foreign passport number will not be processed.
- NOTE: Make sure to use the same ID or foreign passport number you to register for the Psychometric Entrance Test when you apply to the desired educational institution.
Payment of Test Fee
The test fee may be paid at any branch of a bank recognized in Israel or via an online bank transfer (done through your bank's website or app).
Paying at a bank branch:
- After you have completed and printed the registration form, pay the fee at any bank, using the payment voucher attached to the form. Examinees paying from their military deposit funds must pay the fee at the Postal Bank. The institute's emblem appears on the registration form.
- Ask the bank cashier for the authorization of payment page.
- You should detach the examinee receipt from the voucher and keep it.
- Make sure that the registration form is stamped in all three designated places. If your form arrives at NITE without a bank stamp it will not be processed until payment is verified.
Paying via online bank transfer:
- You must make a transfer in the amount that appears on the registration form, using bank details for the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation that are also printed there.
- In the description line on the transfer form, type in your full name and ID number.
- Save a copy of the transfer authorization page and attach it to your registration form. A registration form that arrives without a transfer authorization page will not be processed!
Mailing the Form
- The completed and signed registration form, along with payment information, should be sent by registered mail or email according to the instructions printed on the form. Keep in mind that payment of the test fee does not constitute registration for the test (the bank does not forward your personal data to NITE). Your registration is processed only after the form is received at NITE and after NITE receives final confirmation of the bank transfer (which takes about 3 business days).
- NOTE: Your registration form must reach NITE by the registration deadline for the test administration date for which you are registering.
If the form arrives after the deadline, your registration will be changed to the next test administration.
Registration Procedures
Special Registration
Late Registration
If you miss the registration deadline and do not wish to wait until the next test administration, you may try to register late, up to eight working days before the first day of the test administration period. Late registration will only be approved if there is space available at one of the campuses at which the test is administered. The only way to register late is to do so online. Information about late registration will be posted on the Home Page of the NITE website; there is no need to telephone the Registration Center. The late registration fee is 150% of the regular test fee. You will be assigned to whichever location has spaces available. Those registering late will not be able to choose their test location.
Because of the complex arrangements required for those entitled to special test accommodations, late registration is not available to those requiring special test accommodations.
Registration on the Day of the Test
It may be possible for those who have not registered previously to register on the day of the test.
This requires calling the Registration Center during the six working days prior to the test date to ascertain whether spaces are available and to receive precise instructions regarding the procedure. Registration of this type necessitates special arrangements that make it expensive: 250% of the regular test fee. The following conditions also apply to a test taken with same-day registration:
- The test will be administered at one location only.
- The number of places is limited and seats will be assigned on the basis of availability. It is not possible to reserve places in advance.
- Examinees must arrive at the test location two hours before the start of the test to complete the necessary procedures, including payment, preparation of test materials and assignment to test hall.
- Payment is made at the test site, in cash or by credit card only. It is not possible to pay by check. It is not possible to divide the fee into multiple payments.
Late registrants should note that, due to the expense and the fact that places are not guaranteed, this form of registration is not recommended and is intended for emergency situations only.
About the Test
Test Administration Dates
The Psychometric Entrance Test is administered four times a year (winter, spring, summer and fall). An examinee may take the test only once during any given test administration. The test dates are published on the website.
NOTE: When there are two test days for a given test administration, you will not necessarily be assigned to the day of your choice.
Before selecting a test date you should ensure that the date is appropriate for the educational institution you wish to apply to. We recommend taking the test at the earliest possible opportunity and not delaying it until the test date immediately preceding registration for the institution.
You should ascertain that the test date does not clash with other commitments you may have, such as matriculation (Bagrut) tests, travel abroad, or army reserve duty.
For your information: Test scores are not affected by test date, form, or language, or by the population being tested in any particular test administration. Scores are comparable across all test dates, languages and forms.
Test Locations
The test is administered at several locations around the country. You may state your preference for the test location most convenient for you from among the locations offered, regardless of the institutions to which you have applied. The earlier you register, the more likely it is that your preferences can be taken into account. If there is no place available at the location of your choice, you will be assigned to the nearest alternative.
The Psychometric Entrance Test is administered in several locations outside Israel (depending on the number of applicants).
Those wishing to take the test outside Israel must contact the Overseas Tests Unit at NITE. Special test accommodations are not available outside Israel.
The registration form for tests abroad and the test fee are different from those applicable to tests in Israel. For additional information, please click on Tests Administered Overseas.
Testing Conditions
The test is usually administered in university lecture halls. As at any university, these halls vary in terms of size, seating facilities, etc. You are required to take the test in the lecture hall to which you are assigned.
During the test, use of the following is strictly prohibited: calculators (including those on wristwatches), clocks (including stopwatches) that produce sound, cellular telephones, other communication devices, laptops and electronic instruments of any kind, dictionaries, books, papers, rulers, writing surfaces, stands of various kinds, or any other study aids.
Smoking is prohibited in all the examination halls.
Registration Procedures
Test Languages
The test can be taken in any one of the following six languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish, and the Combined/English version. You should take the test in the language in which you are most fluent.
The Combined/English version of the test is intended for examinees whose first language is English, as well as for those whose first language is not Hebrew, but who are more fluent in Hebrew or English than in any of the other test languages. In the Combined/English version, the test appears in both English and Hebrew, with selected words translated into Russian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Amharic, Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish.
- Tests in languages other than Hebrew are administered only at certain test locations. If you choose a language other than Hebrew, you might not be assigned to the location you have requested.
- Tests in languages other than Hebrew or Arabic are administered only on certain test dates. Verify here whether there is a test in your preferred language on the test date of your choice.
- The test language has no bearing on test scores.
Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL)
Examinees who take the Psychometric Entrance Test in a language other than Hebrew (including those who take the Combined/English version) have the opportunity to take the Hebrew Proficiency Test (YAEL) immediately after the Psychometric Entrance Test to assess their knowledge of Hebrew. The YAEL Test is scored and reported separately from the Psychometric Entrance Test.
To the best of NITE’s knowledge, not all the institutions use this score in the same way. Some use the test score only to place students in the appropriate preparatory Hebrew language course; others use it as an admissions requirement as well. Some institutions may require applicants to take a further Hebrew test. It is your responsibility to ascertain whether the Hebrew Proficiency Test is required by the institutions to which you have applied. Scores on the Hebrew Proficiency Test are reported only to those institutions that use the test.
Information on YAEL (Hebrew Proficiency Test), which is administered directly after the PET, appears here.
An examinee can take the YAELNET test without taking the Psychometric Entrance Test. See more information on the YAELNET test here.
Special Test Accommodations
NITE offers special test accommodations for applicants with special needs. Special accommodations are offered only for tests administered in Israel.
A test with special accommodations (BAMOT) will be given within one week before the regular test to three weeks after it. Examinees who receive approval for special accommodations will receive an email notification up to two weeks before their test date. This information can also be accessed by logging onto the website.
Who May Submit a Request for Special Accommodations?
Applicants with medical, physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities, attention disorders or ASD, may submit a request for special test accommodations. Applicants with a physical condition (e.g. advanced pregnancy, size, confinement to a wheelchair, etc.) that prevents them from entering a regular classroom or sitting in chairs with attached writing surfaces may also request special test accommodations.
Details, requirements, and criteria for requesting special accommodations can be found here.
Timetable for Submitting Special Accommodations Requests
NOTE: Those requesting special accommodations must register for the Psychometric Entrance Test and ensure that all the required documents reach NITE in one of the ways specified in the guidelines for submitting a request for special test accommodations no later than the registration deadline. No appeals, updates or amendments to medical assessment documentation will be accepted after this deadline.
It can take up to 25 working days to process your application once it has arrived. NITE reserves the right to request that an applicant submit additional information or assessments. Applicants whose request is submitted in the last month of the registration period will almost certainly not have time to submit additional material or to appeal the decision and request a reassessment. Once the registration deadline has passed, applicants will not be permitted to appeal, add to, or correct medical reports, diagnoses or other required documents. It is therefore advisable to submit the request and accompanying documents as early as possible and at least two months before the registration deadline.
You may track the processing of your request by logging onto the NITE website and clicking on “status of application”.
Examinees who received approval for special test accommodations and who wish to change their test date or who intend to retake the test on another date must submit an additional request for special accommodations for the new test date, by following these instructions. This request, too, must reach NITE no later than the registration deadline.
Additional Information
The educational institutions that receive your test scores are entitled to receive information regarding the conditions under which the test was administered. Your application for special accommodations constitutes permission for NITE to disclose such information.
Examinees who take the Psychometric Entrance Test (PET) with special accommodations in languages other than Hebrew will not be able to take the YAEL test on the same test date. An examinee who takes the PET in a language other than Hebrew, and with special accommodations, has the right to take the YAELNET once, with special accommodations, free of charge at one of the NITE Test Centers. Once they have taken the Psychometric Entrance Test, examinees who are eligible to take the YAELNET with special accommodations will receive a letter explaining how to register for it.
Registration Procedures
After Registering
Test Notification
You will receive email confirmation when the Registration Center has processed your online application. This confirmation will be sent to the email address you provided.
It is your responsibility to make sure that all the information in the notification you receive is accurate (name, ID/passport number, test date and test language). If there are any errors, correct them immediately by logging onto the website or by calling the Registration Center.
Once registration is closed, details of the test date and location you have been assigned will be sent by email or mailed to the address you provided on your form. You may also log on to the website to view them.
Changing Your Test Location
If you wish to change your test location, you may do so for about a week after you receive your assigned date and location, as long as there is room available. Changes can be made by logging on to the website or by calling the Registration Center.
Changing Your Test Date
If you wish to change your test date after you have registered, you may do so by logging onto the NITE website or by contacting the Registration Center by phone.
- If your request reaches the Registration Center before the registration deadline for the test administration that you originally requested, it can be accommodated at no extra charge.
- A change of test date can only be made beginning one week after the test date that you were originally assigned. This will entail a service charge of approximately 18% of the current test fee.
- If you have special accommodations approved for a particular test date, and you postpone your test date, you will have to contact the Special Test Accommodations Unit according to the instructions that appear here.
Canceling Registration
If you wish to cancel your registration for the test, you may do so by logging onto the NITE website. Your test fee will be reimbursed after a service charge has been deducted, as prescribed by law.
If your cancellation request is submitted within 48 hours after registering, there will be no service charge.
If your cancellation request is submitted within 14 days after registering, the service charge will be 5% of the test fee.
If your cancellation request is submitted over 14 days after registering, and before the registration deadline for the relevant test administration, the service charge will be 15% of the test fee.
If your cancellation request is submitted over 14 days after registering, and after the registration deadline for the relevant test administration, the service charge will be 30% of the test fee.
Refunds will be processed by direct bank deposit. Please ensure that your bank details are entered accurately.
Reporting Test Scores
Reporting Test Scores to the Educational Institutions
Your scores will be reported directly to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Bar-Ilan University, Haifa University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv University, the Technion, Ariel University and the Open University of Israel within 45 days of the test date. Your scores will also be reported to the other institutions that you indicated on the registration form. The institutions to which NITE can report scores are listed here. NITE does not report test scores to educational institutions other than those listed, or those specified on your registration form. All of the institutions guarantee that the scores will be used solely for their own admissions purposes. The educational institutions process candidates' applications on the basis of the scores reported directly to them by NITE. Candidates cannot report their scores themselves.
Reporting Test Scores to the Examinee
Within 45 days of the test administration, around the same time the scores are reported to the institutions, your scores will be available on the NITE website. To access your scores, you will need: ID number or foreign passport number (with which you registered for the test) and your personal password. Your scores will also be emailed to you.
Please note the following clarifications before contacting NITE with regard to your scores:
- All scores for examinees tested on a particular test date are calculated on the same day and no individual score can be issued in advance of this date.
- NITE does not release test scores by telephone.
- An additional copy of test results can be mailed to examinees at no extra charge for a period of three months following the test administration.
- NITE does not commit to reporting scores to institutions or examinees before the registration deadline for the next test date.
Requests for Changes to Score Reporting
If, after registration, you wish your scores to be reported to different institutions from those indicated during registration, or wish to stop your scores from being reported to one or more of the institutions, or wish to avoid receiving them via email, you may request this via NITE's website or by sending an email to the Scoring Department. There is no fee for this service. It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive written confirmation of the request from the Scoring Department.
Requests for Reevaluation of the Test Answer Sheet
Test answer sheets are read by an optical scanner. This method is extremely accurate. Nevertheless, you have the right to request that your answer sheet be reevaluated. The reevaluation is conducted manually. The reevaluation does not include a reassessment of the writing task, but only verifies that all of the scoring details were recorded accurately.
A fee is charged for this procedure. However, if it is discovered that an error has indeed occurred in reading the answer sheet, this fee will be refunded.
A request for reevaluation can be submitted via the website or by sending an email to the Scoring Department. You are entitled to request a reevaluation for up to three months after the test date. The results of the reevaluation will be sent to you seven working days after receipt of the request and payment.
Inquiries and Complaints
Any complaint regarding the test should be addressed in writing to the Customer Relations Bureau via the form available on the website, or by fax or mail within one week of the test date. A complaint received later than this will not be processed, in part, because concerns about the test administration can only be investigated in close proximity to the event.
All correspondence with NITE should include your name, the ID number with which you registered for the test, type of test and test date.
Compromising the Integrity of the Test and Cheating
NITE views very seriously any attempt to compromise the integrity of its tests, including any behavior that infringes on the confidentiality of the test or the use of its results. We also view very seriously any attempt to obtain a score by illegal means, such as copying during the test or impersonating someone else. Among other things, cheating may lead to situations in which unsuitable candidates are accepted, sometimes even at the expense of candidates who are better qualified for the study program in question. The National Institute for Testing and Evaluation has methods for detecting cheating and attempts to compromise test integrity, and reserves the right to react to such situations using all means at its disposal and at its discretion. These may include:
- Invalidating the test
- Prohibiting an examinee from taking any test administered by NITE for a period of 12 months
- Filing a civil suit
- Submitting a complaint to university or college disciplinary committees
Please note: Impersonating another person (such as sending someone to take the test in your place) is a criminal offense. If someone is suspected of committing such an offense, a complaint will be filed with the police and with university disciplinary committees.
Summons for Retesting
During the scoring process, NITE conducts routine checks to ensure that each examinee's scores accurately reflect his or her ability. One such procedure is comparison of the examinees' answer sheets. Sometimes these procedures indicate problems such as irregular or inconsistent test results or technical problems.
In the event that there is doubt as to the reliability of any test or score, for any reason, an examinee will be summoned to retake the test at NITE's offices in Jerusalem, and his or her test scores will be withheld until the matter has been resolved. Only after an examinee is retested will NITE decide how to proceed.
A written summons for retesting is generally sent to such examinees within six weeks of the test date; however, it may also be issued at a later date.
In addition, in every case in which information discovered by or brought to the attention of NITE casts doubt for any reason upon the reliability of any score reported to an examinee (usually as the result of evidence uncovered during subsequent tests taken by the examinee, or information provided to NITE by external sources, the majority of which are institutions of higher education), NITE reserves the right – during every test administration date – to freeze or disqualify that score and to summons the examinee to a retest to clarify the matter (and when relevant, to notify the institutions of higher education that the score which NITE originally reported to them has been disqualified).
In addition, in response to any attempt at cheating, copying, or receiving a score through illegal means, NITE has the authority to prohibit the examinee from taking any test it administers for a period of 12 months.
Contact Us
National Institute for Testing and Evaluation
POB 39020 Jerusalem 9139001
Tel: 02-6759555
Fax: 02-6759543|
Sun.-Thurs. 8:30-15:30