Reporting MITAM Scores to Academic Institutions

Academic institutions consider applicants on the basis of the scores reported directly to them by NITE. Every institution decides independently what weight to give to the MITAM scores in their admissions process for Master’s degrees in psychology or in a specific field of specialization.

Your scores will be reported within 45 days of the test date to all academic institutions offering advanced degrees in psychology. The institutions to which scores are reported are listed here. NITE does not report test scores to institutions other than those listed.

If, after you register and take the test, you want your scores to be reported to additional institutions, or if you want to stop certain institutions from receiving your scores, you may indicate this by logging onto the NITE website, choosing the date you took the test and clicking on “list of institutions you have chosen to receive your scores” and then on “add/delete institutions”. Choose the appropriate institutions and then click on “save changes”.
Please note: You may stop your score from being sent to any of the academic institutions you listed within a week of your test date. You may request that your score be sent to additional academic institutions at any time.

Alternatively, you may download the Reporting Scores to Institutions form and send it as an email attachment to the Scoring Department, If you do not receive an acknowledgment, please contact the Scoring Department by telephone the day after submitting the request in order to confirm that your request has been received.

There is no fee for this type of request.
After a request has been submitted, the scores will be made available to the institutions, which will retrieved them within seven working days. There is no possibility of shortening the reporting time.